I really enjoyed this reading, and yes, I also agree that in order to get along with others, no matter where they are from, you need to have respect for their cultures including language, time orientation Space and religion. As an African Born again Christian, I find many things that are unacceptable to my religion. However, it doesn’t mean that I have to judge people here because we are not from the same Spiritual background. On the contrary, this is the time to learn from those experience an maybe thin about it. In the same vein, I believe that although you need to maintain that respect for other cultures, You should also make sure not to loose yourself and forget where you came from.According to the Hofstede graph on page 47, I see my country in the High power collectivism group.We usually prefer working together in groups to get to a desired vision. That is how we got our Independence and our leaders still encourage us to be unite all the time.
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About Taati
My name is Taati Niilenge from Namibia. I am a reporter, working for the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation. I am currently studying at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism as a Humphrey Fellow. I plan to make the most of this experience and take a lot of knowledge to my country, especially with regard to Social Media. i do not know a lot right now, but I AM PLANNING TO SUCCEED!
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Thank you for your insight to African culture! I agree that respect for all is extremely important. Keeping an open mind and being tolerant of others’ differences will help foster successful relationships.