I am a rich person..

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Since I changed…. well.. almost everything in my life, I am trying to catch… not time… moment…  inspiration….. to put all those winds…moods…excitements which are passing my head… on “paper”…

And it just doesn’t work… Life is running and I am running with him…. and “paper” stays always behind me… in the past… yesterday easy become past…and I feel like I am always between NOW and TOMORROW…


My life, back home in Sarajevo,B&H, was as well never the same, never boring and I created it like that with a purpose…  I left behind me amazing group of friends… But thanks to Social medias of 21st Century I don’t feel that they are not involved in my life… and I am giving my best to share with them at least piece of excitement and happiness which I am experiencing in this “new life”…

Yes… exactly… HAPPINESS.. So strong and so clear , like I haven’t feel it for a long long time…


For first time in my life I have opportunity just to study, not working , not thinking how to match all… I have possibility, but also a duty to confront my self.. and to dig deep inside my hidden personality…Who actually am I? What do I wish..? What do I desire…? Do I know how to share it? Would I know how to handle life surrounded by people from all over the world that I have never met before…?


Well.. I am going to be totally honest with my dear readers… I AM ENJOYING IT TOTALLY…

This experience is something so great and so beautiful that is not easy to share…

When I give most.. through mails, tweets, pictures.. I feel that I just give 5 % of all what I am going through.. and sometimes I would love that I could just send piece of this energy to all my friends and family around the World..


For first time in my life I don’t have to choose or to make a schedule for art, public relations, project management.. etc… No… here and now I can have it all and I can do it my way…


I love my fellows… I just adore my new friends from everywhere… Egypt, America, China, Serbia, Pakistan, Latvia, South Africa, Congo, Macedonia, Cameroon, Ethiopia…


Does anyone have idea how rich I am ..here and now… not tomorrow…or yesterday.. it is now and it is totally real… My friends know that I am open, direct, liberal..sometimes maybe too much for someones taste… but that is me.. I am not coming in different packages.. What you see is what you get..

And I love diversity, possibility to choose , to build, to create..to say..to share… to be…

And all of that I do have here.. I love America… this America which I have found… I love Mexicans, Americans, Indians in the light rail while I am heading toward my Art Philosophy lessons..


I love smiling with lady in shop which understand my art.. and love to share her story and to hear about my… I love smiling faces in Mill Ave while I am just walking down the street and exploring shops, places, atmosphere..


I just adore feeling of freedom and wide open horizon of possibilities in front of me…


La vita e bella.. and this is just begining…


2 Comments on “I am a rich person..”

  1. Alma, I agree with you, this fellowship is making us rich: giving us time to do something that we want for our self, while we are enjoying the diversity and learning new skills.

    I met a previous Humphrey fellow at a reception organized by US embassy at home and he said, the program is as great as you make it; It provides you with great opportunities and it is up to you to utilize that. It looks like you are doing that already, making the best out of it! Great!

  2. I couldn’t imagine leaving all my family and friends behind to go to another country and learn more about my profession. I’m happy to know that by doing so you are even more excited about the future, it shows a lot about how much we can accomplish with the right motivation. I’m happy to be getting to know you all and “la vita e bella” is most definitely true!

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