Presentation on Putin :

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There was a Presentation on Putin ,The Presently Prime Minister of Russia and former President ,was held by some of the Humphrey colleagues on last Monday .It was quiet informative and good enough  but very lack of the declaring his leadership qualities .I could  not find these in entire presentation .The Group had worked hard a lot and their body language was pretty good and explanation power excelent but it was much lenthy that it was just compelling the people draging the hair or making the seats empty  .I think that the Group should have to highlight the leadership qualities that how Putin became the leader , entered in the politicis  and why he was  elected President twice by the people .this was not just the reason that he took bold steps to strenthen the economy of the Russia .As we presented the leadership qualities of Adolf Hitler being in  so power ,he was stupid one and he could not spare that .

One Comment on “Presentation on Putin :”

  1. Dear Mukesh,
    thanks very much for you comments and criticisms. We will make a blog posting on him soon and this time we will try to emphasize the characteristics that make him an effect,ive leader. We hope that you will find it more useful.
    On behalf of Group 2 presenting Vladimir Putin

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