The class seemed clearly divided today about the ethical aspects of coverage of terrorist activities. I believe as journalists, our job is to present the truth as it is. Therefore, we should not become the self-appointed mitigation authority. While editing or cropping pictures from crime scene, we only end up as collaborators with the terrorists. A cropped picture may not undo a catastrophe that strikes. Such behavior, on the contrary, demonstrated under the pretext of ‘responsible journalism’ is actually an effort to tell the readers, listeners or viewers that nothing actually happened. In my views, hiding the real pictures is complete professional dishonesty.
Until we report the truth, how are the citizens going to stand against war, terrorism and human rights violation?
I have still been thinking on this issue. I believe the reality can be put forward in some other ways. You can still take attentions without putting all bloddy pictures in your report. I know that journalists have responsibility to report the reality, but dont they have any other responsibilities towards the society? It is worth to discuss.
I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?