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My definition of a leader is, “A person who inspires motivation in others to achieve a goal and focuses on the person instead of the task; who inspires long lasting motivation that will eventually drive change in an organisation and/or society.”

A leader is someone who serves the higher purpose, something bigger than his individual ambitions and who seeks change not just for herself but also for people around her.

My favourite definition of leadership – “Leadership is influencing others by your character, humility, and example. It is recognizable when others follow in word and deed without obligation or coercion.” Sonny Newman, president of contract manufacturer Kouzes and Posner in their book ‘The Leadership Challenge’ discuss that leadership is a set of skills everyone or anyone can acquire.

I agree with their idea but I believe leadership is an attitude, which along with a set of leadership skills makes you a great leader. “Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience.” Arthur G. Jago, University of Houston I am a leader and I am here on Humphrey Fellowship to acquire more leadership skills. I am learning about myself and my leadership style.

As I mentioned earlier leadership is a continuous process of learning and growth. Although I have a set of leadership skills there are many things I need to learn and acquire to become a great leader.

“Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.”

JOHN C. MAXWELL, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership