Can I ask the World that what is reason behind not increasing their helpful hands towords natural disastered people of the mu country Pakistan while this is the country that has always proved supportive ,friendly and helpful to the world countries whenenve any country comes up in any problem that Pakistan stood first to provide the support .In this case, we , the Pakistan people are very grateful to Amrica that provided not only logistic support but 154 million dollors donation ,the biggest ammount initially then the China who is always remianede first old friend of Pakistan ,announced 200 million dollars donation to rehabilate the flood effectees and the destried areas of the Pkistan .THis was first after 136 years of the history that this worst flood situation occured that effected one third population of the country but The World as well as so called Non Profit Organisations have not increased thier hands towards to thes natural disastered people and they are yet anxious for food of one time and they are under beaten and lathy charge of police just to take one single time food and clean water .Being a Pakisrani , I am abiviouly in tension tha twho God will send to these people to apply the cream of the cool on their injuiries and compansate and provide food ,at least.Oh My God please be merciful .