My Personal Code of Ethics

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My Personal Code of Ethics

Today, the world is experiencing astounding developments in the field of science and technology, from the micro- discoveries to exploring galaxies. The question is whether the sorrows and miseries of human beingsEthics development: Challenge of the day are decreasing with these spectacular developments. Surprisingly, there is an inverse relationship. Why? Because
we are not paying heed to our consciousness, we are not listening to our souls, we are not nurturing our spirituality, and we are not developing our character, which is the internal and hidden state of the soul. Our actions are the manifestations of our character which is waning day bay day. It is not through material developments that we can achieve excellence of humanity rather it is through ethical developments that we can rise above. The challenge of the day is ethical development indeed.

Code of ethics means guideline of dealing with people. My personal code of ethics is driven from religion. In Islam ethicrumi-quotes is defined as ‘Akhlaq’ that refers to establishing good relationship between the Creator (Khaliq) and the creature (Makhlooq) at the same time which can be attained through character and disposition (Adibah Binti Abdul Rahim, 2013).  Each human being is created with the conscientious of good and evil. As Quran states,

“And inspired it (the soul with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it” (Al Quran, Surah 91 Al-Shams; Verse 8). It explains that a human soul, at its basic conscious level, knows what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, what virtue is and what is vice. Excellence of the soul is achieved when in the struggle of good and evil, man overcomes the ego to attain his full spiritual potential (Interpretation of the above-mentioned Quranic verse by Marmaduke Pickthal). Therefore, the actions of a human being in the struggle of good reflect the strength of his character.

Since communication is a transactional process in which communicators not onethics
ly share content but also regulate personal code of ethics. Guidelines of personal ethics come from within ‘the self’.  The ‘self’ internalizes family values, community norms, and social institutions, like religion, education, and reflects those internalizations in everyday actions and decisions
. Personal code of ethics for a journalist is more crucial as a journalist is eyes and ears of people, therefore; a journalist is supposed to think and act independently. Media routines, deadlines and time constraints, personal acquaintances, subjective inclinations, idiosyncratic factors, organizational policies, are some of the factors that work two ways: shape journalistic code of ethics and are shaped by journalistic code of ethics simultaneously. Generally, ethics are considered as moral choices based on compassion, courage, honesty, fairness in the larger interest of humanity. The choices are made by mind and/or heart, therefore ethics are considered as an art and science.

Ethics caits-median be addressed under four broad categories: descriptive ethics, normative ethics, metaethics or epistemology of ethics, and virtue ethics. Descriptive ethics are codified ethics while normative ethics are based on some perspectives and approaches. Metaethics explain the role of language in constructing and defining ethics. Virtue ethics believe that ethics are more than morality, and define ethics as virtue. Personal ethics are sometimes conscious choices and sometimes unconscious choices, however; in the case of conflict, it is always a conscious choice.

Personal ethics are sometimes conscious choices and sometimes unconscious choices, however; in the case of conflict, it is always a conscious choice. This is a popular image showing how media can portray a victim as an assaulter.  Therefore each communication needs to be evaluated for ethics.


Adibah Binti Abdul Rahim (2013) Understanding Islamic Ethics and Its Significance on the Character Building. In International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 3, No. 6, November 2013

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About Abida Ashraf

Professor, School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

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